The dark side of the LGBTQ+ rainbow
The Wicked Witch of the West: Things haven't been the same since that house fell on my sister
The World Cup Qatar is problematic. That’s a word I despise, as it is yet another one of these modern implementations of a word that has by and large always got on just fine with its role in the English language, and up until recently had only been used in a slightly patronizing manner by senior civil servants.
Now, it’s deployed as routinely as the word ‘appropriate’ by left-leaning censors in an attempt to shut folk up. For example:
I could murder a bacon sandwich - that might be problematic.
That waiter was full of himself - that’s not really appropriate.
Why have people stopped talking properly? Why, because they want us to do as they say, and sound as if we ought not to question them.
Let’s whistle through the hijacking of football first, in simple terms.
Stonewall aided and abetted by others decided to stop just doing the good work of tending to the needs of people that were being bullied and even oppressed because of their sexuality and went full nut-job.
The safety, dignity, and privacy of women, mothers, your mother, your daughters, and your sisters are now at obvious risk.
Single-sex spaces are being removed despite legal protections provided by The Equality Act - this is plainly unlawful.
Women and girls are losing their rights to single-sex spaces in changing rooms, toilets (even in schools), hospital wards, prisons (even in showers) and rape crisis centres.
Nearly 90% of sexual assaults in leisure centres and public pools happen in mixed-sex changing areas.
The Times: Unisex changing rooms put women in danger (2018) - Read More
An OFSTED report (June 2021) found that 79% of girls have experienced sexual assault at school, and many of these assaults have happened in mixed-sex toilets.
Mirror Online: Women can be strip-searched by transgender police officers who were born male (2022) - Read More
Telegraph: Women are an ‘afterthought’ (2022) – Read More
GBNews: ‘… a devastating blow to women’s trust’ (2022) - Read More
But nobody mentions any of this when the organizations handing out rainbow laces are being championed. At the point of consumption of these campaigns, we are all sternly reminded that there is no room for bigotry in society, let alone football.
I’m unconvinced that this audience wants or needs chapter and verse on what is wrong with ‘gender identity and ‘gender expression’, and ideally, none of you need to find out by accident while reading a football column, do you?
Yet you find yourself reading his in a football column because football is holding itself, hostage, to a past of violence and bigotry.
Dad, I’m just going to try this on, will you wait here, for me?
Suffice it to say, all the linguistic shenanigans in the world suddenly get eclipsed, when your daughter is getting a bra fitting in any of any number of High Street stores, and one discovers there are men with all their bits, who are legitimately in the same space as her.
The Daily Mail: Monsoon's female changing rooms are 'open to BOTH sexes' (2022) - Read more
Metro: Transgender woman, 18, sexually assaulted girl, 10, in Morrisons toilet - Read more
Metro: John Lewis gender-neutral fitting rooms ‘put women at risk’ (2019) - Read more
The Independent: M&S Customer Outraged Over Gender-Inclusive Fitting Rooms (2019) - Read More
Then we have gormless chancers like Harry Kane, who will wear a OneLove armband at the World Cup in Qatar, even if it is prohibited by FIFA.
How ruddy bloody brave.
The FA announced in September England will wear a rainbow captain's armband during the tournament as part of an anti-discrimination initiative and in support of the LGBTQ+ community.
That’s the last homosexual we’ll ever see hurled off a building then.
Football has been a specialist in making bad calls in regard to political correctness.
Broadcasters of the sport leaped on the Black Lives Matter bandwagon without applying any analysis.
The Kick It Out organisation was unceremoniously kicked to the curb. It took an inexorably long time before they realised that they had backed the wrong horse.
The mistreatment of migrant workers and non-existent LGBTQ+ rights have proved irresistible to the usual suspects, coerced by the dangerous folk that walk among us.
Beyond most normal people not wanting to be moralised at by their television sets, at the core of this virtue-signaling mess is a vehicle for lunacy, putting real women and children in immediate danger.
If you are pro-Stonewall and the like, then you are not just against women’s rights, you are part of the threat, and both UK schools and the UK government are advising against your stand.
In fact, if you’re pro-Stonewall having advertising space at Spurs, then you might read through this little lot.
SchoolsWeek: DfE removes trans charity Mermaids from school well-being resources Read More
BBC: Mermaids trustee quits over paedophile-group links Read More
Stonewall: Stonewall vows to continue to stand by the side of organisations like Mermaids Read More
The Mermaids website states its position, and I suggest you may wish to proceed with caution, it’s not a light read.
I wonder if Daniel Levy has read it.
This entire ‘gender identity and ‘gender expression’ issue is a mess and football needs to stay well away from it.
One cannot do as many did with the BLM fiasco and cherry-pick what you’re supporting from an inherently bad menu.
Changing bigoted views on people’s sexuality is not as cheap as a pair of laces, or as at Spurs, some gifted signage space, and a pair of laces.
As with racism and all the other nasty things that have been around forever, and are far more ingrained into humans than a fat white bloke throwing a banana at a black footballer, real education is required. Real control.
Because breaking the cycle where a son actually wins approval from his father for being a bigot, is expensive to undo, and it will take lots of money and lots of time.
Hold, on, did you say, lots of money and lots of time? Er… couldn’t we just put up a few banners and get the lads to ponce about laces, with painfully self-righteous looks on their faces?
So anyone in the process of pontificating about the World Cup, take a moment and think. If you need to, explore some of the links above, and start asking questions of the broadcasters, in the safe and certain knowledge that it’s you who are doing the right thing, because women are important.
So what you’re saying is, you’re transphobic.
The reason I haven’t mentioned dead construction workers or any of the other medieval practices overseas is that hopefully, you, like me enjoy the benefit of living in a part of the world that had a period of enlightenment.
You understand that the game is utterly corrupt if it awards certain nations’ football tournaments, and you already know to what extent you, yourself might involve yourself by watching the games, buying merch, etc.
When it comes to the rainbow stuff, please stop and think about your mum, your sister, or your daughter, and ask yourself if they really need a lecture from you on pronouns and how brilliantly brave Harry Kane is, or do they just want to feel safe?
Those of us of a certain age have realised that if we want to make changes in the world for the better, then we need to actually do something. A flag in a social media bio isn’t going to quite cut it. Hashtags win the runner-up prize in the futility stakes.
You do understand that your broadcast subscriptions have funded the Qatar World Cup, don’t you?
You must realise that every LGBTQ+ piece of frippery you let into your life, is part of a broader threat to real women, and children. I’ll say it again:
One cannot do as many did with the BLM fiasco and cherry-pick what you’re supporting from an inherently bad menu.
If the way these unenlightened people carry on induces so much disgust in you, then attack the mechanism by which they are given so much of YOUR own money!
Before your champion these rainbow initiatives. have a proper look at what they actually stand for.
If I were an advocate of the deranged, barbaric practices that western football fans appear so perpetually outraged by, honestly, I don’t think I’d be able to stop laughing.
I find it's very hard to even engage in a conversation on the matter (and not only this one).
There are organisations like BLM whose declared primary purpose is fighting racism, but there is a lot of shady, unsavoury stuff behind them as well; and if you point that out - or the utter meaninglessness of kneeling before games -, "you're racist". Because who can disagree with the fact that black lives matter? I certainly don't.
Ditto pointing out the inherent flaws in multi-sex areas and the like - "you're transphobic". There is a phrase I like from HH - "people can't hold two thoughts in their heads at the same time" - and I think that applies perfectly here.
Does anyone actually think that rainbow laces, armbands, kneeling, or a couple of flags will stop certain people from thinking racist thoughts or from looking askance at any members of the LGBTQ+ community?
When asked about similar things in American football, Bill Burr said something along the lines of "why are they showing this to me? Or anybody - do they think there's a guy slamming his wife's head in the drawer, who sees the ad and goes 'oh, so this is wrong?' "
Education is crucial. Not some cheap gestures that serve our conscience more than actual victims of actual oppression.
Seems the word ‘ Invasion’ is problematic nowadays.
The WC is a farce as is everything that goes with it. Like most things it all comes down to the $ £ € Wallets have been fattened. Homes on the beach purchased.
Take the knee for a Marxist organisation. But conveniently forget and ignore atrocious human rights records in the host country of the WC. It stinks of hypocrisy. But then what does anyone expect from a bunch of thick footballers who can barely string a sentence together when asked a simple question.
The best thing countries from around the world that qualified for the comp could’ve done is said NO we wont be going. That would put FIFA firmly in its place and it would remind countries like Quatar that their record on how they treat their people is outdated and wrong.
Rant over.